Fall 2021 Q-Con Pro: Panel Schedule and Overview

Welcome to the fall 2021 Q-Con Pro virtual retail summit, designed for our partners all over the world and taking place September 29 - October 1st! An invitation-only event, Q-Con Pro will bring us together in a safe and productive digital environment. The event will be a combination of panels, interviews and breakout sessions designed specifically for our retail partners, keeping in mind the needs of your channels and marketplaces.

For this Q-Con Pro, we'll be walking you through our product roadmap for the remainder of 2021 and the first half of 2022. You'll get insights into what's coming next from QMx, including advance looks at new Q-Figs, Zippermouths and a host of upcoming new product lines. We couldn't be more excited, and we think you will be too!

This is your chance to hear directly from our CEO, as well participate in a variety of panels with our QMx team. See below for all the fantastic content we've prepared to help you grow your business with QMx. Mark your calendars and plan on attending Q-Con Pro -  this is truly an event you will not want to miss!

Panel Schedule - All Times Pacific

Wednesday, September 29th:

9am PST/ 11am CT/ 5pm BST: Welcome to Q-Con Pro with Keynote Speaker and QMx CEO Andy Gore

QMx CEO Andy Gore will overview how we have established plush as a hot new adult collectible, and what's next as we continue to grow the category for your benefit. Hint: we aren't stopping with Zippermouths!

Panel Host: Andy Gore

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85683268148?pwd=cFh5blhOMHRQcXdWTW4vVnhrTU5MZz09


10:30am PST/ 12:30pm CT/ 6:30pm BST : Introducing Qreatures!

Introducing Qreatures! Join Beth, Mark, and our special guest, Victoria Fung, and get an early look at our new plush line, it's unique stylization, our approach to the category and the relationship to our other successful plush lines.

Panel Hosts: Beth Nelson, Mark Robben

Panel Co-Host: Victoria Fung

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89065664117?pwd=emFHcGR1a1lPN292L00yMVN0Rm9lZz09


1pm PST/ 3pm CT/ 9pm BST: The QMx Super Panel - Q-Figs, Zippermouths and the Product Roadmap

Join Beth and Mark as they share our product roadmap for Q4 2021 and the first half of 2022. You won't want to miss this session, which is why we're repeating it three times for your convenience. Stay informed on all the amazing Q-Figs and Zippermouths headed into your stores later this year and into next, as well as get some first looks at amazing new product lines!

Panel Host: Mark Robben and Beth Nelson

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81961090583?pwd=Mm1zSEZqY3NVd2VNOFlZYks4SDg0UT09


3:30pm PST/ 5:30pm CT/ 11:30pm BST: Q-Figs Are Going BIG!

Beth and Mark will lead a discussion into the future of Q-Fig creative development: how we're evolving the format, why it's getting larger and what that means for retailers and collectors alike.

Panel Host: Mark Robben and Beth Nelson

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88509662276?pwd=WVgyZ2s2cjRWVmZkRnNJSXllbXMrdz09


Thursday, September 30th:

12pm PST/ 2pm CT/ 8pm BST: Introducing Qrew Art Vinyl!

Be the first to preview our new urban vinyl line and witness its unique approach, the history grounded in street culture, and where it fits into the collectibles category.

Panel Host: Andy Gore

Panel Co-Host: Beth Nelson

Audience: All

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85979537189?pwd=MkQyc2JUK3UwV0FLMVI2TjlxMzNvU


2pm PST/ 4pm CT/ 10pm BST: Introducing Qraftworks Buildables

Introducing Qraftworks Buildables! Learn more about our goals for the line, the types of consumers we're targeting and how these buildables need to be positioned in the market compared to our figural lines.

Panel Host: Andy Gore

Panel Co-Host: Beth Nelson

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89533988137?pwd=RCtWdEJlNjArZjFwaGo5NEJ3bU1aZz0


3:30pm PST/ 5:30pm CT/ 11:30pm BST: Zippermouths are a Game Changer

Beth, Mark, and special guest, Victoria Fung will lead a discussion into Zippermouths, our most successful product launch to date, and how they're changing the game for collectible plush. We'll also get to show you some sneak peeks into what's next for this exciting new line.

Panel Host: Mark Robben, Beth Nelson

Panel Co-Host: Victoria

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88389735698?pwd=a2hDZFVZOE9tQlRXWG9tdHFjeXJ0UT09


5pm PST/ 7pm CT/ 1am BST: The QMx Super Panel - Q-Figs, Zippermouths and the Product Roadmap

Join Beth and Mark as they share our product roadmap for Q4 2021 and the first half of 2022. You won't want to miss this session, which is why we're repeating it three times for your convenience. Stay informed on all the amazing Q-Figs and Zippermouths headed into your stores later this year and into next, as well as get some first looks at amazing new product lines!

Panel Host: Beth Nelson and Mark Robben

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87932283437?pwd=MnU2VFZ3SnJoL0VTd2pWYTlEY2RJQT0


Friday, October 1st:

7am PST/ 9am CT/ 3pm BST: The QMx Super Panel - Q-Figs, Zippermouths and the Product Roadmap

Join Beth and Mark as they share our product roadmap for Q4 2021 and the first half of 2022. You won't want to miss this session, which is why we're repeating it three times for your convenience. Stay informed on all the amazing Q-Figs and Zippermouths headed into your stores later this year and into next, as well as get some first looks at amazing new product lines!

Panel Hosts: Beth Nelson and Mark Robben

Audience: All

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88675823500?pwd=akM3eW1hdlBrbTlwbHJLKzh0UWZjZz09


8am PST/ 10am CT/ 4pm BST: The State of Freight Today

A Q&A-style panel covering what is happening generally with global logistics as well discussing the challenges related to domestic shipping and how that affects you, the customer.

Panel Host: Shannon Foster

Panel Co-Hosts: Fabian Reynoso, Beth Nelson

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87648628914?pwd=dXJEVzBOTGtjamxZaE81UkpsZWZlQT09


10am PST/ 12pm CT/ 6pm BST: The QMx Demographic Advantage

Our marketing director will present an overview of demographic data gleaned from our social campaigns, and how that data informs our product mix and can be used as a marketing tool.

Panel Host: Mark Robben

Panel Co-Host: Beth Nelson

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85886703503?pwd=MmRjdm4wVTlHTzgxV214bndqaUpXUT0


11am PST/ 1pm CT/ 7pm BST: Law for Small Businesses

Our COO and General Counsel, Shannon Foster, will discuss legal concerns pertaining to small business and the law. This can include, but is not limited to, challenges you might face as you're working to grow and expand your business, navigating contracts and leases, and generally engaging in commercial business.

Please note: The information provided during this webinar does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials are for general informational purposes only. Information provided may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. The views expressed at, or through, this webinar are those of the individual speakers in their individual capacities only – not those of their respective employers. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this webinar are hereby expressly disclaimed. The content is provided "as is;" no representations are made that the content is error-free.

Panel Host: Shannon Foster

Audience: SRP

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89578568842?pwd=SkhyQitUYmNCZURROVp4MFRLVXR4UT0


1pm PST/ 3pm CT/ 9pm BST: Boxes Are Meant To Be Opened!

Butch and Ryan will lead a discussion about the best practices for displaying our products in-store and online for maximum sell-through, including why it's so important to give your customers the full 360 degree experience of our collectibles products.

Panel Host: Butch Marshall

Panel Co-Hosts: Ryan Lewis, Mark Robben

Audience: SRP

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89578568842?pwd=SkhyQitUYmNCZURROVp4MFRLVXR4UT0


2:30pm PST/ 4:30pm CT/ 10:30pm BST: The Benefits of Live Events

Butch and Ryan will discuss the reasons many retailers are leaning back into in-store events and how they're using virtual events to drive engagement and generate excitement for retail shopping experiences.

Panel Host: Butch Marshall

Panel Co-Host: Ryan Lewis, Mark Robben

Audience: SRP

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85001726901?pwd=U05kbUNJbDR1cTdXSTVRdFBoeXM0dz09


4pm PST/ 6pm CT/ 12:00am BST: Closing Ceremony and Trivia

Please join Beth and Mark as they wrap up Q-Con Pro and give you - our valued partners - the chance to win some fabulous prizes... if you're good at trivia!

Panel Host: Beth Nelson

Panel Co-Host: Mark Robben

Audience: All Retailers

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88576912578?pwd=YjUyKzlBM1pwUnA3OTJwV2xVYVhldz09

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