Throg of Marvel Studios’ Disney+ series Loki teaches us all a valuable life lesson: never shortchange a witch. Previously known as Simon Waterson, Throg is cursed with living the rest of his life as a frog who happens to have Thor’s power.
Our 8.5-inch tall Throg Qreature™ features Thor’s Asgardian best, included his winged helmet, chest epaulets, shin guards and red cape. Attached to his back is a miniature Mjolnir because Throg is truly a worthy Thor variant. Like all of our Qreatures™, Throg is a sculptural, stylized plush. He’s stitched with great precision using top-quality materials and designed to hold his shape even while attempting to save the dragon Fin Fang Foom’s egg.
Length: 9.25 in ( 23.4 cm )
Width: 10 in ( 25.4 cm )
Height: 8.5 in ( 21.5 cm )
11.3 oz
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